How to Select and Use Large Cultural Festival Events to Do Live-Selling & Marketing to Gain Thousands of New Unique Customers

Marche Provence Marketplace uses Large Nationality-Focused US Festivals, Botanical Garden Festivals, and Certain Cultural Events to Establish Live selling & Marketing Connections for E-Commerce Marketplace Customers... 

This Post presents Ideas & Guidance by Marge and Chuck Dushek of Marche Provence Online Marketplace of French Decor LLC. 


I use public events such as Festivals, Farmers Markets, and EXPO Events to meet Consumer Goods Shoppers at very large events and acquire them as online customers.  Over an 8-year period from 2012 to 2019, I have located, setup, managed & marketed/sold at over 200 public events as a merchant & marketer meeting 40,000 shoppers from 4,000,000 event visitors and selling D2C and gaining 35,000 repeat online customers for 3500 consumer goods.  KEY Follow-up  is to Re-Market to Event Customers within 7-days of each event via Emails and SMS Message URL Links.

Attending Live-Festival Events around the USA is a fun and productive pathway to mine new customer acquisitions who will buy consumer-discretionary goods direct-from-you at the Festivals and become long-time online customers thereafter. There are hundreds of Festivals across the US every year.  See: 

The Act of just meeting people at a Festival via your Pop-Up Vendor Space, get you directly in front of shoppers.  When you do these Meet-Greet-Sell experiences, all the shoppers can see the Best Side of you to understand Your Personal Persona as a Seller, and the Persona Attributes of Your Business...Uniqueness, Quality & Utility of the goods you are selling...Plus, you can earn a lot of sales revenues at these multi-day events that range from $10,000 to $50,000, based upon the attractiveness and affordability of your prices to the "Visitor Nationality, Culture, Ethnicity Attributes.

Chuck Dushek, Manager of Marketing, Products Curation & Events Planning

at Marche Provence Marketplace

          The Largest Festival in the US is "Summerfest in Milwaukee" 


Summerfest is staged in Milwaukee at the Henry Maier Lakefront Park Complex of 75-acres over 11-days in September and has been running for 50-years with 1,000,000 attendance of late, with 800 bands playing across 12- sound stages.

Our Marché Provence Marketplace has attended, as a Vendor/Seller, over 200 highly attended US Festivals and Events during 2012 to 2019 period.  We will only do events that have at least 15,000 daily visitors.  That means Marché Provence Marketplace has had Live-Views for Brand-Impressions by near 4,000,000 people, we have met face-to-face and sold directly to about 40,000 shoppers over 8 years at Festivals.

Illustrations are depicted below of the popular Festivals that draw in huge crowds for Fun & Shopping.  Many are Culturally & Ethnic Focused Events, so that the people attending generally have a high density of the Natural Heritage of the theme of the Festival. 

Starting with the Largest Cultural Festival in the USA is Bastille Days in Milwaukee that runs Thursday through Sunday and brings in 250,000 visitors for Music, Foods, Drinking, Fun, and Limited to 100 Vendors.

Milwaukee's Bastille Days (French) Draw 250,000 Visitors over 4 days!

Milwaukee's German Fest Draws 100,000 Visitors over 3-Days!

Chicago's Lollapalooza Music Fest has 500,000 Visitors Over 4-Days 

Hence, in our PPC ads targeting, we include the Milwaukee-Metro Area of 1,600,000 population as a designated Special Affinity Audience by using a 25-mile radius targeting Google Tool to dominate PPC SERP for Milwaukee-Metro as a Heavy-Fan geo-area for connecting with Wannabe-Francos.

It is similarly true, for us to separately target the Chicago Northshore area along Lake Michigan in that we have done many Festivals and Events from Lake Forest at the North-end to South to the Near Northside of Chicago Loop.  Our largest public events for engaging with upper-income families and shoppers are Members of Chicago Botanical Garden in Glencoe, IL, Ranked #5 in the US, Festivals that draw in 30,000 visitors over 3-day festival runs. Botanical Garden is "Very Floral" in theme, as is likewise the case for our table linens that are "Extremely-Floral" in designs.

Bastille Days in Milwaukee 250,000 Visitors

French Provence Dining Tabletop Linens Ensembles


4-Days with 250,000 Visitors

The KEY to acquiring new Shoppers and Repeat Customers at Festivals is to make a "Great Personal Impression" with each shopper, hand out nominal Sampler-Gifts...Like Herbes de Provence and Lavender Sachets to all the Lady Shoppers age 40 and over, along with a 8 x 11 inch single page Color Products Guide Handout!

Customers Database Note:  Our Magento CMS Database holds customer data for every Online & Mobile POS order done over 8 years for ReMarketing via Emailing & SQL Demographic Analytics.

Herbs of Provence Sampler Bag

Lavender Sachets

Summary...Online Businesses can benefit in getting close to their customers both in Online Shopper Engagement and Via Experiential Live-Facing with Shoppers to Get Great Insights....and Many New Online Customers!!!

Festivals & Events Directory: 

 Please Contact me at: and Call or Text  at 630-677-4984



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