“Children Learning To Read To Learn” Technology-Based Educational System by Charles Dushek


 “Children Learning To Read To Learn” a Technology-Based Educational System by Charles Dushek

The Presentation below, begun in 2015 is an overview of a new and innovative Children’s Educational System/Process/Product to be Developed, Launched and Sold or Applications Donated to Humanitarian Organizations  in the US & Global Childhood Education Platforms by Charles Dushek and Collaborators.

I commend all the 15 Volunteer Ideation Participants listed at the end of this Project Post, who are from all areas of Teaching and Technology experience.

Especially, I am very grateful to Matt Egler of Wheaton Academy, near where I live to have Planted the First Seed of Thoughts as to How Digital Animation Imagery could be a profound process at "Having Children Learning to Read to Learn"!  ( Matt passed away at very young age in life and will be remembered for his Gift of Giving Ideas for the Benefit of Humanity.


Preamble...Project Topic:  This is an IT-based children’s education system that teaches early-age from Age 5 and older, reading and general knowledge learning/achievements utilizing an interactive self-taught teacher-supervised software platform and iTablet with functions of “Touch/View/Audio” delivery technology.

The process of “Learning to Read” is interfaced with general Knowledge Learning via the utilization of animated digital picture/action sequenced visual stories, that correlate to the text content of the story-telling. This is similar to an “encyclopedia word/term visual images composite explanation” but, utilizing "animated action moving-picture story illustrations" in conjunction with text word story/definition explanations.

The students of Digital Animation at Full Sail University above in Florida have generated program design and operating inputs to structure the “Children Learning to Read To Learn” system platform…See references below in: List of project collaborative advisors:

Transforming Education with Tablet Technology & Interactive Child Learning Software

 Project Overview

We are in the development stages of an educational system, which is a "Learning to Read and Combined Knowledge Learning" software platform that utilizes the iPod or an iTablet or Laptop PC as the personal computer for child deployment in classrooms. 

We believe this can be a revolutionary system for the developing world rural communities and villages, and for inner-city developed country settings that can teach any child of any cultural origin or language to read, and where the child can speak any language that has a written script form for printing and/or recognition on an iTablet, iPod or Laptop touch screen.

More Cultural Diversity is Much-Needed within the US Educational system, and within developing country locations. In the US, near 93% of children’s books are all of the White-Anglo Culture, making it difficult for non-white children to understand & associate life of multi-ethnicity cultural settings…Latino, Asian, German, Native American and African cultures.


To date, we do not have an awareness of any “like-kind” product or system that uses an iTablet wireless device to offer a customized-per-student, basis one's IQ and reading speed & comprehension skill level. Children read out loud into the Boom Mic…to Drive/Control the animation speed of the Visual Animation Story Content.

This individual-student self-taught reading instruction combines with general knowledge topics learning skills, as an integral part of a learn-to-read process.  Somewhat similar platforms of child learning are: LeapFrog as a very basic process to a very elaborate learning platform by The Hewlett Foundation.   ,  

Programmers and digital animation artists have confirmed the ability to develop and produce the technical digital video elements or processes of this system. Full Sail University is one such institution. GCOO has engaged university graduates that are digital animation majors to develop the animated “moving-picture story-boarding”, for story illustration and story knowledge content”. 

Other collaborative advisors listed at the end of this overview contribute expertise in: literacy, IT equipment, Software Programming, the Education Industry, Storyboarding, and Related Topics.

In essence, the combination of the child learning to read via the iTablet screen display of the “text lines of the story” has a knowledge learning value as the “child reads words aloud”, and the moving picture illustrations of Characters, Objects, and Background Scenery are synced in action that “Combines” to teach both “Phonetic Reading Skill and Topic-Matter Knowledge” achievements.

The learning system utilizes the iTablet that has a "touch screen" display/keyboard. The process involves the display of progressive animated children's story picture settings (storybook pages) on top of the text-screen page with the "storyline" in word text underneath on the same screen page.

The child reads to the iTablet via an Ear Buds & Mic Boom rig connected to iTablet via hardwire or Bluetooth...similar to the child reading a storybook aloud.  Each story can have about 30 pages of content of different scenes per each page, with 40-60 words per page that describe the Topic-Matter on each page and the Story-Action taking place in the digital animation. The full sequence of 30 scene pages is the entirety of the story, as laid out through 30 different, yet related scene-settings.

As the child starts to Sound Out the words in sentences via the Mic that explain the story in the picture, the iTablet is listening, and the story picture “animates” (See example: See Matt Egler Animation Video with sound track to be converted Text Print  from Full Sail University to live 2-D or 3-D action being driven by the Correct Pronunciation of each child's-spoken word(s).  The iTablet is “listening to” and judging the child’s phonetics (child wears Ear-Buds w/Mic-Boom to lips). The story animation visually illustrates what the story-text subject matter is describing by showing function and movement.

The iTablet Software will coach the child’s pronunciation/phonetics with “correct phonetic word response” dialogue to the child's earbuds...requesting the child to re-state or repeat the word that has been expressed by the child...again & again...until the child “mimics” the correct phonetic pronunciation response. Successful audio phonetic child reading narration of the “storylines” drives the picture/scene animation in a forward-progression process.

When a child Stops the Audio Reading, the “story also stops or pauses" in its animation movement. There would be some “buffering” to soften the “Stop-Pause-Start” animation action on the display.

Child and Young Adult Learning System Objectives

The objectives of the system are to teach integrated reading & knowledge learning skills: phonetics, speed of reading, word meaning context (i.e. To, Too, Two, TuTu, so, sow, sew), proper phrase & sentence construction, colors recognition, scenic backdrop recognition ( i.e. Sky, Sea, Forest, City Scapes, etc.) and numeracy math skills of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

At the end of each learning-story book session, a comprehension test is given. Multiple choice audio-response questions are asked by the iTablet, covering the story of about 30 pages and having about 40-60 words per page. Each question is asked in “visual screen text-format” at the end of the story...and the child is to Read Aloud which answer he-she thinks is correct…Multiple Choice Answer Options are given? 

The testing is for General Story Memory, Cognitive Understanding Skill, and Critical Thinking about choices the child would make based upon the subject matter of the story…i.e., What is Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, Pretty/Ugly, Fast/Slow, Fun/Sad….

Upon the start of the child beginning to read, it would be a good idea if the student were able to “name/create the main character of each story”. If this is possible, the child would be more engaged in the story as they would feel more connected to the main character having the “same name as the student”, as they would then feel like a live actor in the story.

Every child progresses at his/her own pace. There is an ease of teaching/learning to read in multi-languages because the story themes are about general life experience situations…virtual reality.

The story themes are multi-cultural and can have a Christian or Secular basis with moral philosophies. Ideal learning stories embody day-to-day family and community life, cognitive problems and reasoning, numeracy calculations, and critical thinking.

 Technology Elements

The iTablets interface wirelessly with USB Wi-Fi plugin stick to connect to a local PC wireless System Server within the local school community or classroom.  The Host Server is recording each child’s reading “As a Client” and test performance data, per individual student, and compiles & applies a student performance grading table.

The teacher is enabled via the students' database file to clearly understand both above-average and below-average literacy skills in pronunciation, reading speed, general comprehension, cognitive memory, and “thinking right” critical thinking decision skills of each student. This helps the teacher to target remedial help on which student skills need attention.

This system can be economically developed for the children of the developing world or for developed country inner-city distressed communities. All the programming essentials are Widgets or Plugins that are widely used today across all kinds of interactive websites and voice-activated knowledge & recording IT platforms. 

Software development is comparable to current “website design templates” of assembling/interfacing already developed elements or components…widget & plugins.

All the iTablets are wirelessly connective to the local community/school server (LAN) and Used or Refurbished Servers and iTablets are typically free as donations of earlier generation tablets & servers in the US marketplace, or at very low-cost refurb prices. 

Next Steps...

Next steps in the development process are interviewing many developing country and US inner-city educators to learn what is needed to enhance the literacy educational process. We have recruited graduates of Full Sail University, see list below with *, who are expert and visionary in digital artists and programmers for story construction and animation.

We need a more precise understanding of the insights, unmet needs, dissatisfactions, and problems of currently deployed “learning to read to learn” courses and system parameters that are being offered via manual textbook instructional settings.

The Project is to “convert, support or transform” a manual printed book based “reading/learning” system, to the iTablet program as discussed above.

The goal of this project is to structure an IT-based reading & learning educational platform requiring minimal teacher system training & orientation, create rich feedback in child reading/learning uptake performance statistics, identify and correct child learning deficiencies across a rating spectrum of: pronunciation, reading speed, comprehension, the broadness of subject matter knowledge, numeracy, and critical thinking skills.

The individuals listed below have been contributors of Expertise in the development of the Children Learning to Read to Learn Vision Project.

Thank you.

Charles Dushek

Email: CharlesJDushek@gmail.com

Text or Phone: USA 630-280-7510

  We currently need a volunteer Project Leadership Role Learning Products Organization to define all the IT operating elements of the reading/learning platform that ties all the functionality together. 

List of project collaborative advisors:

Phillip Sweeney  Non-Profit CFO phillip.sweeney@sbcglobal.net

David Spencer   Sr Director of Learning David.Spencer@bythehand.org

Katie Butterfield  Reading Specialist  Katie.butterfield@bythehand.org

Max Calderon*  Character Animator  animationmaximus@gmail.com

Dremond Tanic*  Animator Dremondtanic@gmail.com

Asha Bishi* Digital Animator aobishi@gmail.com

Ali Wamahiu* Digital Design  jambo@aliw89.com

Michele Hoekstra Literacy   michele.hoekstra@bythehand.org

Justin Francis*  Character Animator  Justin@JustininMotion.com 

Dean Patton*  Character Animator  DeanMPatton@live.com  

Gordon Anderson  IT and Networking Specialist  essengee@juno.com

Steve Barber  Director of Linguistics  steve.barber@biola.edu

Scott VanderKooy President Comprenew  svanderkooy@comprenew.org

James Ham* Animation & Graphic Design   james@hamanimation.com

Julius Figueroa*  Computer Animation   juliusanimate@gmail.com


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