Charles J Dushek Federal Case Matters of SEC and DOJ Charges Were Dismissed by Federal Judge Virginia Kendall at Final Hearing on December 16, 2020
T he Cases were commenced against me, basis untrue testimony by 2 rogue employees of Capital Management Associates Inc (CMA), who had designs and intent to cause regulatory trouble for me as owner of CMA in 2012, to damage my professional reputation, and then lure the clients over to their new investment advisory firm, that they had established 6 months earlier, when they were employed by CMA. Summary of 2 Federal Regulatory Cases Against Charles J Dushek by the SEC in 2012 and by the DOJ in 2016. These Cases were Officially Dismissed in Federal Court by Federal Judge Virginia Kendall at a Final Hearing on December 16, 2020. The Cases were Dismissed as being Unfounded, Basis Erroneous Prosecution Evidence used by both the SEC and DOJ. The Federal Court Dismissal Document is displayed below: The facts of the cases are as follows: I had personally managed the investments of a small group of 37 clients out of a total of 400 client accounts for 4 years, between 200...